
Training Suite

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We have a range of packages to help get started in the world of Cryptocurrencies. 

Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, the entire world has been fascinated by the BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. But there is still a lack of knowledge and training in this area.

Are you one of those people who have heard about these words, smart money, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, blockchain etc and you are scratching your head wondering what its all about. Furthermore you have heard the whispers

No need to wonder anymore. Smart Purse Capital brings clarity to all the mystery behind cryptocurrencies through simple step by step explanations and simplified ways of introducing you to this new sector in the financial market. Our trainings are tailor-made to introduce ordinary people to cryptocurrency from the basics to the more advanced levels like trading, mining, staking and lending.

Smart Purse Capital believes learning shouldn’t be complicated. Our training suite offers courses that are broken down to simple pieces. No matter your background, your level of education or where you live, you will find easy to learn and engage with others in a relaxed environment.


…you will learn the very basics of blockchain technology and cryptoeconomics. Throughout your journey, you will be guided and mentored till you are confident to navigate these markets.

Whether you just want to learn something new or want to develop your skills further to earn money with cryptocurrency, you will find a package suitable for you. Our introduction courses will shape your next steps.

Are you scared of the financial markets because they look complicated especially with those graphs you always see? But deep down you wonder how it all works? Do not panic anymore. Smart Purse Capital bridges the gap between you and the financial markets.

…that everytime you buy a product or work for a company you put money in the shareholders pockets.

Learn how to be a shareholder too and join the Upstream group. We can help you create your own portfolio in simple steps.

Are you scared of the financial markets because they look complicated especially with those graphs you always see? But deep down you wonder how it all works? Do not panic anymore. Smart Purse Capital bridges the gap between you and the financial markets.